
Ronin Pentest | {Enhancing Cloud Security: The Indispensable Benefits of Penetration Testing for Cloud Applications}

Enhancing Cloud Security: The Indispensable Benefits of Penetration Testing for Cloud Applications

As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud-based solutions, the importance of maintaining robust security measures cannot be overstated. Penetration testing, a proactive and simulated cyber attack on your systems, plays a crucial role in this context. This comprehensive exploration delves into the ...

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Ronin Pentest | {Securing the Future: Protecting Your Data from Unauthorized AI Training}

Securing the Future: Protecting Your Data from Unauthorized AI Training

As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly prevalent across industries, the security of the data used to train these systems has emerged as a critical concern. Unauthorized access and use of data for AI training can not only compromise personal and sensitive information but can ...

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Ronin Pentest | {Navigating the Cyber Terrain: How Vulnerability Scans Can Avert Digital Disasters}

Navigating the Cyber Terrain: How Vulnerability Scans Can Avert Digital Disasters

In today's technologically driven landscape, the security of digital infrastructures can either propel a business to success or plunge it into chaos. Vulnerability scans—a crucial component of a robust cybersecurity strategy—play a pivotal role in preempting disasters by identifying and addressing s ...

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Ronin Pentest | {Unmasking Deception: How to Identify Signs of Social Engineering Attacks}

Unmasking Deception: How to Identify Signs of Social Engineering Attacks

In the digital age, where information flows freely and connections are made in an instant, the risk of social engineering attacks has escalated dramatically. These insidious tactics rely on human error rather than technological vulnerabilities, making them particularly difficult to guard against. Fo ...

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Ronin Pentest | {Securing Success: The Critical Role of Regular Penetration Testing for Your SaaS or Software}

Securing Success: The Critical Role of Regular Penetration Testing for Your SaaS or Software

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and evolving cyber threats, ensuring the security of your software or SaaS (Software as a Service) platform is not just a necessity but a pivotal component of maintaining trust and operational integrity. Regular penetration testing, often referre ...

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Ronin Pentest | {Strengthening Security: A Guide to Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in Your Workplace}

Strengthening Security: A Guide to Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in Your Workplace

As the digital landscape becomes increasingly complex and security breaches become more frequent, implementing robust security measures is essential for any organisation. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent cate ...

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Ronin Pentest | {The Double-Edged Sword of Deepfake Technology: Navigating the 2024 Landscape}

The Double-Edged Sword of Deepfake Technology: Navigating the 2024 Landscape

In an era where seeing is no longer believing, deepfake technology has emerged as a formidable tool with the power to manipulate reality. Originally developed for legitimate applications in entertainment and education, deepfakes have increasingly become a tool for misinformation, fraud, and cyber th ...

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Ronin Pentest | {Safeguarding Your Business: Mastering the Art of Spotting Social Engineering Tactics}

Safeguarding Your Business: Mastering the Art of Spotting Social Engineering Tactics

In today's digital age, where information is as valuable as currency, protecting your company's secrets has never been more critical. Social engineering attacks have become a prevalent threat to corporate security, manipulating employees into giving away sensitive information. This blog post delves ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {Cybersecurity Hygiene: Basic Practices Every Business Should Adopt}

Cybersecurity Hygiene: Basic Practices Every Business Should Adopt

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, maintaining robust cybersecurity hygiene has never been more critical for businesses of all sizes. Cybersecurity hygiene refers to the foundational practices that, when consistently applied, protect organizations from a significant portion ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {The Impact of Quantum Computing on Cybersecurity}

The Impact of Quantum Computing on Cybersecurity

The dawn of quantum computing heralds a new era in the realm of computational capabilities, offering the promise of solving complex problems far beyond the reach of current classical computers. However, this groundbreaking technology also presents profound challenges for cybersecurity. As businesses ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {Choosing the Right Password Manager: A Comprehensive Guide}

Understanding and Mitigating Supply Chain Cyber Risks

In today’s interconnected world, the complexity of supply chains is increasing exponentially. Businesses are not isolated entities; they are nodes in a vast network of suppliers, partners, and distributors. This interconnectivity, while essential for operations, exposes companies to a myriad of cybe ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {The Critical Role of Cybersecurity in Mergers and Acquisitions}

The Critical Role of Cybersecurity in Mergers and Acquisitions

In the intricate process of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), due diligence serves as the foundation upon which successful deals are built. Traditionally focused on financial, legal, and operational factors, the scope of due diligence has evolved to include a crucial aspect that can no longer be overl ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {Mastering Password Management: Best Practices for Strengthening Your Digital Fortress}

Mastering Password Management: Best Practices for Strengthening Your Digital Fortress

In the digital realm, where data breaches and cyber threats loom large, effective password management is not just advisable; it's imperative. While the concept of password security may seem straightforward, the nuances of crafting and maintaining strong passwords are often underestimated. This guide ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {Navigating the Digital Age: Beyond VPNs and Passwords - A Common Sense Guide to Online Security}

Navigating the Digital Age: Beyond VPNs and Passwords - A Common Sense Guide to Online Security

In today's digital landscape, the significance of safeguarding our online presence cannot be overstated. While tools like VPNs and robust passwords form the bedrock of digital security, there's a broader spectrum of strategies essential for comprehensive protection. This article delves into the ofte ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {The Privacy and Security Implications of the Rising Popularity of AR and VR Headsets}

The Privacy and Security Implications of the Rising Popularity of AR and VR Headsets

In an era where the lines between the digital and physical worlds increasingly blur, the ascent of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies is a thrilling evolution. These immersive platforms are not only transforming entertainment and gaming industries but are also making signif ...

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Ronin-Pentest | {Choosing the Right Password Manager: A Comprehensive Guide}

Choosing the Right Password Manager: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's digital age, where data breaches and cyber threats loom larger than ever, safeguarding one's digital identity has become paramount. Password managers have emerged as essential tools in the cybersecurity arsenal, helping individuals and businesses alike to manage their plethora of login cr ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Mastering Compliance: The Key to Thriving in the SaaS Landscape

Mastering Compliance: The Key to Thriving in the SaaS Landscape

In the dynamic realm of Software as a Service (SaaS), regulatory compliance is not just a legal mandate but a strategic imperative that can define the success and sustainability of your business. Ronin Pentest, as experts in cybersecurity, emphasises the integral role of compliance in building trust ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Addressing Remote Work Vulnerabilities for Business Owners

Addressing Remote Work Vulnerabilities for Business Owners

The shift to remote work has been one of the defining transformations in the business world in recent years. While it offers flexibility and potential cost savings, it also introduces unique cybersecurity vulnerabilities. As experts in the cybersecurity field, we offer insights into these challenges ...

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Ronin-Pentest | The Alarming Aspects of AI in Cybersecurity

The Alarming Aspects of AI in Cybersecurity

In this era of rapid technological advancement, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a double-edged sword. While AI has the potential to revolutionise security measures, it also harbours some concerning implications. We aims to shed light on these alarmi ...

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Ronin-Pentest | A Comprehensive Guide to Thwarting XSS Attacks

A Comprehensive Guide to Thwarting XSS Attacks

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks remain a formidable threat to businesses worldwide. This blog post, tailored for entrepreneurs, business owners, and SMEs, delves into the intricacies of XSS attacks and elucidates strategies for robust defence. ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Starting the Year Right: The Essential Guide to Cybersecurity Auditing and Vulnerability Scanning for Businesses

Starting the Year Right: The Essential Guide to Cybersecurity Auditing and Vulnerability Scanning for Businesses

As we welcome 2024, businesses are increasingly acknowledging the critical role of cybersecurity in ensuring their longevity and success. Cybersecurity auditing and vulnerability scanning are vital practices that should ideally be initiated at the start of the year and conducted periodically thereaf ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Navigating Cybersecurity Insurance in 2024: Coverage, Costs, and Claims Explained

Navigating Cybersecurity Insurance in 2024: Coverage, Costs, and Claims Explained

In the digital age, where cyber threats are a constant concern for businesses, cybersecurity insurance has become a crucial element of risk management strategies. As we progress into 2024, understanding the nuances of cybersecurity insurance is more important than ever. This article explores the sco ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Zero Trust Security: The Key to Modern Business Protection

Zero Trust Security: The Key to Modern Business Protection

In the ever-evolving digital landscape of 2024, businesses face an array of sophisticated cyber threats. Traditional security measures are no longer sufficient in this dynamic environment. This is where Zero Trust Security comes into play, offering a comprehensive approach to safeguard businesses. I ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape in 2024: AI, Quantum Computing, and Advanced Phishing Threats

Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape in 2024: AI, Quantum Computing, and Advanced Phishing Threats

The Evolving Role of AI in Cybersecurity

As we step into 2024, the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. At the forefront of this transformation is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has become an indispensable ally in the fight against cyber threats. The role of ...

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Ronin Pentest | Elevate Your Android's Security: Key Settings for Enhanced Protection

Elevate Your Android's Security: Key Settings for Enhanced Protection

In today's digital age, where smartphones are an extension of our personal and professional lives, securing these devices is of paramount importance. For Android users, this means understanding and navigating through a myriad of settings and being aware of potential vulnerabilities. This guide is de ...

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Ronin Pentest | Top 3 Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities of 2023: Insights and Solutions

Top 3 Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities of 2023: Insights and Solutions

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying informed about the most critical vulnerabilities is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. This article delves into the top three cybersecurity vulnerabilities of 2023, drawing data from Exploit-DB and corroborating with other sources. ...

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Ronin Pentest | Free WordPress Security Mastery: Protect Your Site Effortlessly

Free WordPress Security Mastery: Protect Your Site Effortlessly

In the digital age, website security is paramount, especially for WordPress users. As a leading content management system, WordPress powers millions of websites, making it a frequent target for cyber threats. However, fortifying your WordPress site doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. This c ...

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Ronin Pentest | A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Primer for Emerging SMEs: Safeguard Your Business Today

A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Primer for Emerging SMEs: Safeguard Your Business Today

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital business, cybersecurity is not just a buzzword but a fundamental necessity. For Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), the risks are even more pronounced, given their limited resources and expertise in this domain. We understand the unique challenges fac ...

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Ronin Pentest | Surviving the Ransomware Onslaught: Ensuring Business Continuity Amid Threats

Surviving the Ransomware Onslaught: Ensuring Business Continuity Amid Threats

Ransomware attacks have, unfortunately, become a prevalent menace in today's digital landscape. These malicious software attacks encrypt a victim's files, holding them hostage until a ransom is paid. For businesses, the impact can be crippling, disrupting operations, causing financial losses, and da ...

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Ronin Pentest | SaaS Development Slip-ups: Five Mistakes Hindering Your Company's Growth

SaaS Development Slip-ups: Five Mistakes Hindering Your Company's Growth

Software as a Service (SaaS) represents a significant shift in how businesses operate and deliver value. While the potential for growth and scalability in the SaaS model is undeniable, missteps during its development phase can lead to profound consequences as the company expands. To navigate this ch ...

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Ronin Pentest | Cybersecurity Evolution: From the Old Guard to Modern Mastery

Cybersecurity Evolution: From the Old Guard to Modern Mastery

As the digital landscape continues to evolve at breakneck speeds, so too do the threats that businesses face. The methods and tools once used to ensure cybersecurity, while pioneering in their day, can't entirely cater to the sophisticated and complex challenges of today's interconnected world. But ...

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Navigating Cybersecurity on a Shoestring: Budgeting Tips for Startups

Navigating Cybersecurity on a Shoestring: Budgeting Tips for Startups

In today's interconnected digital age, cybersecurity isn't just a luxury for the big players—it's a necessity for businesses of all sizes. For startups, however, balancing the need for robust cybersecurity with the constrai ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Open Source Intelligence: The Web of Information

Open Source Intelligence: The Web of Information

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) involves the collection and analysis of publicly available information from diverse sources, providing valuable insights and data for multiple purposes, including cybersecurity.

The Versatility of OSINT

From market resear ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Deciphering the Attack: Techniques Cybercriminals Utilise

Deciphering the Attack: Techniques Cybercriminals Utilise

Small Businesses and the Spectre of Cyber Attacks

Small enterprises are often targeted due to a lack of sufficient cybersecurity measures. Recognising the techniques utilised by cyber attackers is imperative to secure a business’s digital assets.

The Deceptive Art of Phishing

Cybercrimin ...

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Ronin-Pentest |  Digital Forensics: Illuminating the Cyber Shadows

Digital Forensics: Illuminating the Cyber Shadows

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Forensics in Cybersecurity

Digital Forensics is the meticulous process of uncovering and analysing electronic data to prevent and resolve cyber conflicts. Its application is pivotal for organisations aiming to achieve robust digital security and business contin ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Elevating Corporate Safeguarding with Cyber Threat Intelligence

Elevating Corporate Safeguarding with Cyber Threat Intelligence

Why Cyber Threat Intelligence is Non-Negotiable for Businesses

In a world replete with digital threats, investing resources in cyber threat intelligence is indispensable for businesses. Ronin Pentest, based in England, underscores the importance of understanding and countering potential cyber th ...

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Ronin Pentest | Understanding Virtual Security Audits: What Everyone Needs to Know with Ronin Pentest

Understanding Virtual Security Audits: What Everyone Needs to Know with Ronin Pentest

In our interconnected world, cybersecurity has never been more critical. But what if there were a way to identify your system's vulnerabilities before cybercriminals do? This is where virtual security audits come into play. At Ronin Pentest, we want to demystify this essential service. Here's what e ...

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Ronin Pentest | Your Simple Guide to Mobile Devices Security with Ronin Pentest

Your Simple Guide to Mobile Devices Security with Ronin Pentest

In a world where mobile devices are increasingly used for both personal and business purposes, security has never been more vital. The experts at Ronin Pentest are committed to helping individuals and businesses safeguard their mobile technology. Here's our straightforward guide to mobile devices se ...

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Ronin Pentest | The Ultimate E-Commerce Security Guide for Online Sellers with Ronin Pentest

The Ultimate E-Commerce Security Guide for Online Sellers with Ronin Pentest

In today's digital age, e-commerce is booming, but so are the security threats that can put your online business at risk. Ensuring your online store is secure is essential for both your business and your customers. Here at Ronin Pentest, we specialize in helping businesses like yours stay safe. Here ...

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Ronin Pentest |  A Simple Guide to Remote Work Security with Ronin Pentest

A Simple Guide to Remote Work Security with Ronin Pentest

At Ronin Pentest, we understand that working from home has become the new normal for many people. Remote work is convenient, but it can also bring unique security challenges that can expose your company's sensitive data. That's why we've put together this simple guide to help you navigate the comple ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Why Supply Chain is at Risk

Why Supply Chain is at Risk

You may have heard of supply chain attacks, where hackers target the software or hardware that you use from other companies. These attacks can compromise your security and affect your business operations.

But why is supply chain at risk? And what can you do to prevent supply chain attacks?

**H ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Customer data protection guide

Customer Data Protection Guide

As a business owner, you know how important it is to protect your customers' data. Not only is it a legal obligation, but it also builds trust and loyalty with your customers.

But how can you ensure that your customers' data is safe from hackers, breaches, and leaks?

**Here is a customer data ...

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Ronin-Pentest | IoT Security - best practices and tips

IoT Security - Best Practices and Tips

IoT devices are becoming more popular and common in our homes and offices. IoT stands for Internet of Things, and it refers to any device that can connect to the internet, such as smart speakers, cameras, thermostats, etc.

IoT devices can make our lives easier and more convenient, but they can al ...

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Ronin-Pentest | Human-Centric Security Design Approach

Human-Centric Security Design Approach and How To Minimize Friction and Maximize Adoption

Security is not only a technical issue, but also a human one. How people use and interact with security systems can affect their effectiveness and usability.

That's why we at Ronin Pentest believe in a human-centric security design approach, where we put the users at the center of our security so ...

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Ronin-Pentest - Stay safe from ransomware

Ransomware: A Scary Threat to Your Data

Imagine you are working on your computer and suddenly a message pops up on your screen. It says that all your files have been locked and you need to pay a lot of money to get them back. You try to open your documents, photos, videos, but nothing works. You are a victim of ransomware, a type of mal ...

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Ronin-Pentest - Cloud Security

Cloud Security 101: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe Online

Cloud computing is a great way to store, access, and share your data and applications over the internet. You can use cloud services for personal or professional purposes, such as storing your photos, videos, documents, emails, or running your website, app, or online business. However, using the clou ...

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Ronin-Pentest – PDF Exploit Protection

How to Protect Yourself from PDF Attachment Exploits

PDF files are very common and useful for sharing documents online. However, they can also be used by hackers to infect your computer with malware or steal your data. In this blog post, we will explain what PDF attachment exploits are, why they are still active, how to avoid them, and what to do if y ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Remediations

How to get the most out of your pen test remediations

Penetration testing is the best way to figure out if your security measures are working and whether there's a chance a hacker could breach your network. Penetration testers will help you understand what vulnerabilities exist in your IT infrastructure, providing insight into ways to improve your defe ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber Essentials 2023

2023 update to Cyber Essentials: What You Need to Know

The world of cyber security is constantly changing. New threats emerge, and old ones come back to life. In order to protect yourself from these threats, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in technology and information security standards.

Key Takeaways on 2023 Cyber Ess


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Ronin-Pentest – Supply Chain Security

Supply Chain Risk: Cyber Security Tips from the Experts

The trend of cyber attacks is increasing. In fact, 4 out of 5 companies have suffered from a cyber attack, according to the Ponemon Institute. And these numbers have been growing for years: in 2018 the number was already up by 30% compared to 2017. So what does this mean for your company? The answer ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Bring Your Own Device

Building a BYOD Checklist for Your Business

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies have become the norm for many businesses and industries. In fact, most companies today have a BYOD policy in place. But what exactly is a BYOD policy? What do you need to know to build one that works for your business? And how can you protect yourself from cyb ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Small Business Cyber Security

Small Business Cyber Security in Brighton: 7 Top Tips

The need for effective Cyber security controls is no longer limited to large corporations. With technology making it easier for small businesses to operate, they can also become targets for cyber attacks. As a result, more and more small businesses are realising how important cyber security is and h ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Threat Defence for Solicitors

Cyber Threat Hunting: Threat Defence for Solicitors

Cyber security is in the news every day, so it's no wonder that many companies are becoming increasingly aware of the need to protect their business. However, a lot of companies still don't understand what cyber security actually means and how it can benefit them. For example, you might have heard a ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Healthcare Business Under Attack

Healthcare Business Under Attack: A Pentesting Overview

Health care organisations are increasingly becoming a target for cyberattacks. Healthcare systems are often vulnerable to attacks because they have weak cybersecurity measures and lack the resources to defend against them. Many healthcare organisations do not have sufficient resources or skills to r ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Penetration Testing Step-By-Step

What is Penetration Testing | Step-By-Step Process

Penetration testing is a simulation of a hacking attack and how your IT infrastructure would hold up against one. The purpose of penetration testing is to find vulnerabilities in your organisation's computer systems, networks and web applications that could be exploited by hackers. Penetration testi ...

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Ronin-Pentest - Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

Ethical Hacking is a term that's thrown around quite a bit. You may have even heard it on the news or in conversation with friends. But what is Ethical Hacking? In this article we'll explain exactly what Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing is and how it can benefit your company.

Key Takeaways


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Ronin-Pentest - How Much Does A Pentest Cost?

How Much Does A Pentest Cost?

How Much Does a Pentest Cost?

This is a hard question but I’ll do my best to come up with an answer.

I think the best approach is first to define what a pentest is.

What is a penetration test?

Firstly, Pentest is short for Penetration Test. A pentest is an active assessment of all a ...

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Ronin-Pentest – DDoS Attacks

DDoS Attacks and Prevention

DDoS Attacks - What Are They and How Can They Be Prevented?

DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service and unfortunately, DDoS attacks seem to be increasing in the world of cyber-attacks. For those who are not familiar with the term, a DDoS attack is when a hacker directs so much traffic to ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber Security Preparation

Cyber Security Preparation for 2023: Latest Threats and How to Protect Your Business

Cyber Security Preparation for 2023: Latest Threats and How to Protect Your Business

As we move further into the 21st century, more and more businesses are becoming victims of cybercrime. As we head into 2023, to stay ahead of the curve and protect your company, you need to be proactive about y ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Business Cyber Security Risks

How the Christmas Period and Staff Holidays Can Increase Business Cyber Security Risks

How the Christmas Period and Staff Holidays can Increase Business Cyber Security Risks.

Christmas is a fun and happy time, however, for businesses this can also be a worrying time of year as business cyber security risks increase. Businesses need to ensure they have adequate cyber security meas ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber Security Tips

12 Days of Xmas

Tis the Season to Be Wary: 12 Cyber Security Tips to Keep You Safe This Holiday Season Tis the season to be jolly, but it's also the season to be wary! At Ronin-Pentest have put together a list of twelve cyber security tips to help you stay safe this season.On the first day of Christmas, Ronin-Pente ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Online Offer

Is It a Scam? How to Tell if an Online Offer is Too Good to Be True

Is It a Scam? How to Tell if an Online Offer is Too Good to Be True

The Christmas shopping period is a time when we are all looking for the best deals. However, it's also a time when we need to be particularly careful shopping an online offer, especially ones that seem too good to be true. This ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber Attacks Targeting Small Businesses

The 5 Most Common Cyber Attacks Targeting Small Businesses

The 5 Most Common Cyber Attacks Targeting Small Businesses – And How to Prevent Them.

The unfortunate truth is that almost every small business will be targeted by cybercriminals at some point, it's just a matter of time. We're going to take a look at five of the most common cyber attacks targe ...

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Business solvency due to cyber breaches

Small Business Closure due to Cyber Breaches

The Real Threat of Business Solvency Due to Cyber Breaches

When it comes to cyber security, there is a lot of discussion around the risks that companies face in terms of data breaches and the theft of confidential information. However, what is often overlooked is the very real threat of busines ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Business Cyber Security

Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022

20 Cyber Security Statistics That Will Make You Ensure Your Business Cyber Security Is Robust!

Business cyber security is no joke. If you are running a business, it's important to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from cyber-attacks. Unfortunately, many businesses don't take th ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance Alone Isn’t the Answer to Keeping Your Business Protected!

No company is immune to cyber-attacks, and the consequences can be disastrous for a company big and small. Cyber insurance policies are important to have in place, but you shouldn’t rely just on your cyber security insur ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Presumed Compromise in Cyber Security

Presumed Compromise in Cyber Security

The Importance Of Presumed Compromise In Cyber Security

Cyber security is and must be of utmost importance for any business, regardless of size. Every day, businesses are targeted by cyber-attacks, to steal data or disrupt operations. To protect your business and infrastructure from cyber attac ...

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Ronin-Pentest – cyber security services company

Cyber Security Services Company

Working with a Professional Cyber Security Services Company

When it comes to cyber security, experience and expertise really do matter, which is why it's important to work with a professional cyber security services company.

Choosing the Right Cyber Security Services Company for your Bu


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Ronin-Pentest – Managed Cyber Security Plan

Managed Cyber Security Plan

How to Protect Your Business with a Managed Cyber Security Plan

As a business owner, you know that cyber security is essential but do you have a managed cyber security plan in place to protect your business? If not, you need one! A managed cyber security plan with specific robust solutions in pla ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber Threat Management

Cyber Threat Management

Cyber Threat Management: What Every Business Needs to Know

A cyber-attack can have a devastating effect on a business which is why it's so important to have robust cyber threat management policies in place to minimise the chances of your business becoming a victim and to minimise the impact if ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Headline breaches

2022 Headline Breaches

2022 Headline Breaches.

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and this is a timely reminder that no business can afford to be without adequate protection against cyber-attacks. In this post, we are going to be looking at some recent cyber security 2022 headline breaches. Regardl ...

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Ronin-Pentest – True cost of cybercrime

The True Cost of Cybercrime on the UK's SMEs

The True Cost of Cybercrime on the UK's SMEs: Financial, Operational and Reputational

As cybercrime continues to increase at an alarming rate, businesses of all sizes are feeling the effects. However, SMEs are disproportionately targeted as they are generally seen by hackers as easy targets. In t ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber Safety Information

Cyber Safety Information

Getting Your Cyber Safety Information Right: Where to Get It and How a Professional Can Help

October is Cyber Security Awareness month so if your business isn’t up to date with the latest cyber safety information, now is the time to make sure you are! Cyber security is complex, and it can be ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Email viruses and malware

Caution with Email Attachments

How to Avoid Email Viruses and Malware.

Billions of emails are sent around the world every day. They’re an easy and convenient way to communicate and send documents. However, they are also an easy way for hackers to get their hands on valuable information, spread viruses and make money. So, how d ...

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Ronin-pentest – human error in cyber security

Human Error in Cyber Security

The Impact of Human Error in Cyber Security.

Every person makes mistakes, it’s one of the things that makes us human and it’s how we learn and grow; however, human error in cyber security is one of the most common reasons why hackers are successful. Businesses have a lot to worry about when it ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Ransomware attack

Ransomware Explained

Ransomware Attacks Explained!

Ransomware is a term that is commonly used in cyber circles these days, but what is a ransomware attack and how you can protect your business from this type of cyber-attack?

What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on your comput ...

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Ronin-Pentest – BRITE Project

BRITE Project

Ronin's BRITE Project Participation and Success.

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. They create jobs, support communities, and drive innovation. However, many small businesses lack the resources to compete with larger enterprises. If you're a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), ...

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Five C’s of cyber security

Five C’s of Cyber Security

The Five C's of Cyber Security

In the world of cyber security, knowing the five C's of cyber security is essential. Change, Compliance, Cost, Continuity and Coverage all need to be considered and planned for by businesses if they want to ensure their data is safe from the many threats posed by cy ...

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Ronin-Pentest – common cyber security breaches

Common Cyber Security Breaches

Common Cyber Security Breaches and What They Mean for Your Business

Businesses of all sizes are at risk of common cyber security breaches. A cyber security breach can have far-reaching implications for your business, causing damage to your reputation, costing you customers, and putting your busin ...

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Ronin-Pentest – multi-layered cyber protection

Multi-Layered Cyber Protection

Defence in Depth: The Need for a Multi-Layered Cyber Protection

Cyberattacks are on the rise and businesses of all sizes are at risk, it only takes a single vulnerability for criminals to gain access to your systems. That’s why it is important to have a multi-layered cyber protection approach. By ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Managed service plans

Hackers Don't Go On Holiday

Hackers Don't Take Holidays: Use Ronin’s Managed Service Plans for Small Business Cyber Protection

It's that time of year when many people are packing their bags and jetting off on holiday. But, while you and your team are taking a well-earned break from work, hackers and cybercriminals will be w ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Industry-specific cyber breach

Industry-specific Cyber Breach

Industry-Specific Cyber Breach

A cyberattack can happen to any business, no matter the size or industry. Every industry holds specific information that hackers would be interested in obtaining, making an industry-specific cyber breach more common than a random attack. A hacker can gain access t ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Cyber security insurance

Cyber Security Insurance

Cyber Security Insurance: Why Every Business Should Have It!

Cyber Security insurance is something that all businesses should have. It's not just a "nice to have" it's something that is absolutely essential in this day and age. We are going to look at what cyber insurance is, what it covers, and ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Protect your business from cyberattacks

Protect your business from cyberattacks

How to Protect Your Business from Cyberattacks

A cyberattack can be devastating for a small business. Not only can it result in the loss of sensitive data, but it can also damage your reputation and will most certainly cost you a lot of money. That's why it's important to take steps to protect yo ...

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Ronin-pentest – cyber-attack incident response

Cyber-Attack Incident Response

Cyber-Attack Incident Response, Notification, and Compliance: What Businesses Need to Know.

Businesses of all sizes are at risk of cyber-attacks, and when one occurs, the impact can be devastating. Not only are there the financial costs to contend with, but there is also the potential for long- ...

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Ronin-pentest – Cyber Essentials certificate

Cyber Essentials Certification

Why You Should Have a Cyber Essentials Certificate

In this digital age, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a robust cyber security infrastructure in place. With the ever-increasing frequency of data breaches and cyber-attacks happening every day, it’s essential that your busi ...

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Ronin-pentest – Managed Cyber Security

Managed Cyber Security

Ronin's Managed Cyber Security Plans: Keeping Your Business Safe and Secure

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You're responsible for marketing your business, generating leads, closing sales, and providing great customer service. There’s a lot to do, and it can be tough to ...

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Ronin-Pentest - Business Cyber Security

Why it’s crucial for businesses to have cyber security measures in place

Business Cyber Security: Protecting Your Business Against Cyber Attacks

Business cyber security is crucial no matter the size of your business because businesses of all sizes are at risk from cyber-attacks. We are living in a digital age, and with that comes the increased risk of your business be ...

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Ronin-Pentest – cyber security statistics

Cyber Crime Statistics

UK Government Release 2021 Cyber Security Statistics

In the past two years, cybercrime has had a major impact on businesses around the world, and the UK was no exception! The Covid-19 pandemic caused many organisations to change the way they operated, practically overnight, and the latest cyber ...

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Ronin-Pentest – ethical hacking

Ethical Hacking – what is it?

What is Ethical Hacking?

What is ethical hacking? An ethical hacker is a professional who with permission hacks into a system, or network, looking for any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a malicious hacker. Ethical hacking has become an integral part of protecting businesses from cyb ...

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Ronin-Pentest - remote cyber security protection

Remote Cyber Security Protection

Remote Cyber Security Protection: What you need to know!

The pandemic has forced many businesses and employees to adopt and adapt to new working models. One of the most significant changes in the past two years has been remote working. Whilst this presents many advantages for employees, it lea ...

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Ronin-Pentest – white hat vs black hat

White and Black hat hackers – the differences

White Hat vs Black Hat Hackers … What’s the Difference?

White hat vs black hat hacker. We often hear these two terms being thrown around, but what do they actually mean, and how do they differ? It’s really important that business owners know the difference – basically, it comes down to the fact t ...

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Ronin-Pentest – website vulnerability scanning

Web Scan

The importance of website vulnerability scanning in small businesses.

Cyber-attacks are a constant threat, and one of the easiest ways to avoid an attack is to make website vulnerability scanning part of your cyber strategy. Every website contains a wealth of data and information – valuable data ...

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Ronin-Pentest – open-source intelligence scan

Open Source Intelligence Gathering (OS INT)

Why Businesses Need to Conduct Regular open-source intelligence scans

If you don’t know what information is floating around the internet about your business, it’s time to do an open-source intelligence scan. You likely already know that protecting your company's data is mission-critical, but what ...

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Ronin-Pentest – Full vulnerability scan

Full Vulnerability Scanning

Cybersecurity Full Vulnerability Scans

You know that you can’t afford to be complacent about cyber security, but when was the last time you had a full vulnerability scan of your system done? Or, any type of cyber security review? Imagine waking up tomorrow and discovering that you can’t access y ...

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Ronin-Pentest – IT infrastructure scan

IT Infrastructure Scan

How secure is your IT infrastructure?

Who needs an IT infrastructure scan? Not you? But have you thought about what would happen if cybercriminals attacked your business? That’s not going to happen to you, is it? Nope, hacks only happen to other businesses, right? But seriously, cyber security ...

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What is Vulnerability Scanning?

Vulnerability scanning is the process of using an automated tool to shoot large numbers of payloads at a target (website or network) to see if they are vulnerable to publicly disclosed security problems. As new security problems are identified by researchers from around the world they are added t ...

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What is Pentesting?

Penetration Testing or Pentesting for short is a method businesses and organizations use to confirm the cyber security protections they have in place are effective. Known as offensive security it involves using a third party consultant to test the organizations security by attempting to breach it ...

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Collaboration in Cyber Security

Hacking forums go back to the very early days when hacking was all fun and games about defacing your friends website or proving to them that you had better attacking skills than they did the ability to harden their website. 

Now ...

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2020, the Year of the Hack

2020 is going down in history as the year of the hack!

Attacks have increased in scope and complexity on an unprecedented scale. 

➕Malicious Domains up 22%

➕Malware/Ransomware up 36%


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Affordable cyber security testing for SMEs

Vulnerability Scanning

Our range of automated scans help you ascertain what problems (if any) exist in your businesses systems.

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Bespoke Audit and Consultancy

We spend time with you and your key people to examine your security policies and procedures. We then make bespoke recommendations designed to improve ‘YOUR’ specific business.

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Security Testing

We unleash our ‘white hat’ hackers on your systems simulating a real-world cyber-attack. This makes sure both your technical systems and your day-to-day practices make you not just compliant but SECURE!

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Scan Services

As an introduction to the RONIN Way we offer a series of online low cost scans that give you an initial highly effective way to test your assets

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