Getting started with cyber security.

We are often asked, ”what can I do to stop hackers?”

The answer is simple. Live in the middle of a dense forest, never access the internet (EVER) and use a traditional land line (if you can find a supplier who will run copper to your premises).

The honest truth is there’s nothing you can do to stop a hacker trying, but there’s plenty you can do to prevent a successful attack.

The Ultimate Guide to Cyber Security

Everyone is talking about cyber security, but what is it and what do you need to do? This white paper breaks down the jargon, cuts through the confusion and provides tips on what you can do right now to protect your data.

Every company needs a cyber security plan. First step is understanding what you need to do.


How to prevent a cyber attack.


Prepare an itinerary of your IT systems, internet usage (cloud based apps), count how many computers you have on site and – significantly – how many remote access workers are using their own computers to access company systems and data.


Engage a cyber specialist (hopefully us) to scan your systems and run penetration tests so you have a clear picture of your vulnerabilities. Create a ‘safe use’ internet policy, detailing what not to do and how to access and protect your data correctly. Check everyone is on the same page and that your team is doing what they can to protect the business from attack.


Work with your incumbent IT support to address the issues found during the penetration test and scans. A good cyber security company should be able to help you if you don’t have in house support or an IT firm on contract.


Rinse and repeat. Repeat steps 1 – 3 as often as your business needs. The frequency depends very much on the type of data you handle.

Remember, you’re never too small to be hacked.


Not sure where to start?

We offer both self serve and managed plans. Pentest+ is our managed programme so you can hand over the process to us and we’ll keep you updated with scans etc. To get started either create an account and proceed to order the service you need, or give us a shout, and we’ll get you rolling.

Pentest +


Self Service


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Start scanning your projects for free. You will get a free breakdown of your security status. Start securing your future now.

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